End the gain on pain

Each year, private prison companies are awarded multi-million-dollar ICE contracts that they use to exploit and dehumanize detained persons. These funds come directly from taxpayers like you.

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Pain's Price Tag:


Congress appropriated $3.4 billion to hold 41,500 people in ICE detention each day in FY 2024.

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Pain's Price Tag:

In FY2024, detaining an adult costs about $157.20/day, varying by facility type, medical services, and location. ICE's budget shows a bed in El Paso costs $216.65, revealing profit-driven practices.

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our gov. spends about
Per person per day

The U.S. government spends roughly $233 per person per day to dehumanize and abuse people who cross the border. Meanwhile, the median daily income for Americans is $85. 

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government spends about 233 dollars per person per day animated gif

As the Biden Administration began, daily detentions averaged 14,195, soaring to 36,263 by year's end. Highlighting profit-driven exploitation that taxpayers fund.

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Individuals suffering
in detention
from ICE contracts

In 2022, GEO Group—a private prison company—made $1.05 billion in revenue from ICE contracts alone. They're just one of the many companies who profit from dehumanizing detained individuals through our tax dollars.

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Experience firsthand accounts of individuals who faced abuse in immigration detention centers.

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